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Trauma and the eating disorders: state of the art
Dr. Johan Vanderlinden
UPC KULeuven , Campus Leuven 

Over the past decades, research data have grown and systematically demonstrate that exposure to traumatic experiences, especially during childhood, can be considered an important risk factor in the development of a wide variety of psychiatric and medical conditions, including eating disorders. Overwhelming evidence exists that traumatic experiences leave traces in our minds and bodies. Traumatic experiences such as sexual, physical, and emotional abuse have a negative impact on our capacities to relate to and trust other people, but also on the neurobiological functioning of our brain and thus our mind. They also affect our immune systems (Van Der Kolk, 2014).  Hence, traumatic experiences make dealing with emotions, both positive and negative, quite challenging. In this lecture a ‘state of the art’ review will be presented on the topic of trauma in eating disorders and its consequences.

The hidden presence - dissociation in the treatment of eating disorders and body image disturbance.
Dr. Andrew Suebert

Andrew Seubert, LMHC, NCC, is the co-founder of ClearPath Healing Arts Center in Corning and Burdett, N.Y. A licensed psychotherapist for 35 years, he has an extensive background in Existential-Gestalt Therapy and in music therapy, and provides EMDR consultation and training for clinicians. Andrew specializes in working with trauma, posttraumatic stress, eating disorders and the integration of spirituality and psychotherapy. A passionate and engaging international presenter and workshop facilitator, Andrew and his wife, Barbara, have co-parented a blended family of five and live presently on Seneca Lake, N.Y.

            His first book, The Courage to Feel: A practical guide to the power and freedom of emotional honesty, was published by Infinity Publishers in 2008. He has authored a chapter in EMDR Solutions on the use of EMDR with clients with intellectual disability and co-authored an article on the same topic in 2011 for the Journal of EMDR Practice and Research. He has written two chapters on eating disorders for EMDR Solutions II and has completed How Simon Left His Shell, a fable and User’s Guide based on The Courage to Feel, to teach children and adolescents emotional honesty. His most recent publications include a contribution to the EMDR Journal in May, 2018 (“Becoming Known: A relational model utilizing Gestalt and Ego State assisted EMDR in treating eating disorders”) and chapters in the recently published “Trauma-informed Approaches to Eating Disorders” (Springer Publ.), a book in which he served as senior editor.

Overleven en leven na eetstoornissen.
Sabine Peeters, auteur van 'Lief voor mijn lijf'


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